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Asslam o Alaikum Muslims!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Muslim 365 " New Smart Phone App to Learn Islam

Educating people and fighting misconceptions about Islam is the challenge taken up by Amanda Quraishi who developed a new smart phone application, Muslim365.

Muslim365 provides daily facts about Islam, including verses from the Qur'an, Hadiths as well as explanations of Arabic words, traditions, beliefs and historical anecdotes.

On her blog, Amanda Quraishi, an American Muslim who embraced Islam 12 years ago, writes “Rather than argue with people who simply want to believe that Muslims are all violent, misogynistic, religious lunatics I thought the best thing to do would be to communicate genuinely with moderate, intelligent folks who really want to get to know more about us…That’s when I came up with the idea of a smartphone app that serves up a daily fact about Muslims and Islam in an engaging and entertaining way.”

With a sense of humor, she told the Austin that the application will not cause you to be "converted, indoctrinated, hypnotized, browbeat, jihad-ed, or added to an FBI watch list."

The 37-year-old Web administrator hopes that the application will mainly help people clear their misconceptions of Islam and get answers to questions. "For a lot of Westerners, Islam can seem really intimidating," she says.

Amanda Quraishi, a mother of 8-year-old twins, describes herself as a "Flaming Liberal Progressive Muslim-American Feminist”. She is well-known for being a passionate supporter of interfaith dialogue. She contributes to a Jewish blog and took a job last month as Web administrator at the Catholic-founded charity Mobile Loaves & Fishes.

The new application is already available free for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches and soon will be available for Android phones.

1 comment:

ziema said...

Well done masya allah.
Allah will be always at our side insya allah.
May allah bless you.

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